Monday, May 14, 2012

Tonight I am sad..

You know growing up you somehow believe that love can do anything. It is rather heartbreaking when you become an adult and find out that is not true. Almost two weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend of two years, it was very hard for me to do because we didn't have major problems. We almost never fought, we could spend a weekend with only each other to entertain ourselves and enjoy it, we could cook together and laugh together. So here is why most would wonder why I would end such a thing and there are moments that I wonder myself but the reason is that we were going no where, he was no closer to wanting to spend the rest of his life with me and he would not make a commitment to me. I need more and expect more. I love him but I don't believe I was in love with him nor do I believe he was in love with me..we were friends. I hate that there is no handbook on this stuff..the next time I see him what do I do? Do you act like you never knew each other? Do you act like nothing has changed? Do you forget all the fun times? Or reminisce over them? Anyway, I know I will be okay and my search will go on because I pray that at least once in my life I will be swept off of my feet...