Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What I am looking for in a man...

1. Be a man please be a man but still be able to shop with me occasionally or watch a chic flick and enjoy it, it won't threaten your manhood I promise.

2. Listen to my problems and support me without thinking I expect you to fix everything, I can't fix them and I sure don't expect anyone else to.

3. Be passionate about life and have more passion for people than you do your hobbies, your hobbies will not help take care of you when your older.

4. Be my best friend, if I am going to spend most of my time with you I want you to be my best friend and above all don't be someone I hate.

5. Be secure enough to sometimes do your own thing and let me do my own thing, I want you to enjoy me but you don't have to be shoved up my butt all the time.

6. Love my kids not because you have to but because you want to. They are the most important thing in the world to me.

7. Love my friends, they have been with me through alot. More than any man has.  Don't expect me to give them up.

8. Be laidback and happy, I am not alway's that way I promise and I need the balance.

9. Defend and protect me but also understand that some things I can handle on my own. I have been through more in life than many people and have survived..give me a little credit.

10. If you don't think I am smart and pretty don't be with me, if you do please say so sometimes without being asked.

11. Be thoughtful and helpful towards me, I will do the same in return.

12. You must have enough money or make enough money where between the two of us we can breathe in life. If we want to have a weekend get away on occasion I don't want it to be the end of the world.

13. If you have to alway's be going and doing to be happy I am not the woman for you. I have friend I can introduce you to if you feel that way. Haha! I want to be able to enjoy a lazy day around the house sometimes.

14. If after a short time you don't think and believe I am the best thing that ever happened to you and I don't feel the same about you it is time to part way's, no sense in faking it.

15. Marriage is give and take, I am right on this one and if you disagree you are wrong. A marriage can't be all about either partner or it will fail.

16. If you are not head over heels in love with me then please don't waste my time, I have been there done that.

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